Weekly Greens (Saturday Edition)
Image by Tambako
Well, the week has come and gone so this edition of Biofriendlyblog’s Weekly Greens will be a Saturday Edition. Now, if you are anything like me you try and keep up with your RSS feed, twitter feeds, FB feeds and other sites that give you the latest and greatest. Unfortunately we’re not always able to keep up. So, for a little dose of green at the end of the week, here is this week’s Weekly Greens:
1. How to Plan and Plant an Organic Community Garden: If you don’t want additional additives or pesticides on or in the food you are eating, then starting an organic community garden might be perfect for you. It’ll take some work, but in the long run, all who contributed will be able to reap the rewards. Yummy rewards!
2. Alternatives to lawns for better water conservation: We’ve become so accustomed to grass in front yards that we sometimes don’t consider the better alternatives. In a time when natural resources need to be conserved, planting yards with native trees, flowers, etc. or even creating an edible garden can go a long way. Beautiful and environmentally-friendly all in one.
3. Scientists Make a Plan to Block Out the Sun to Stop Climate Change: Well, that sounds pretty dramatic, don’t you think? To add to that, such drastic measures could apparently result in humans never seeing a blue sky again. Hmmm…I think on an immediate basis we can all think of other emission lowering actions we can adapt into our lives.
4. Components of a Sustainable Business Culture: Many times executives are looking for a quick fix and in this day and age they view sustainability as that fix. In reality it should be part of a change…part of their sustainable business culture.
5. Architects Imagine a Utopian Paris in 2100, a Little Warmer and a Whole Lot Greener: Some cities are taking great strides to make changes that will make them greener, more walkable and keep them alive and flourishing even with climate changes. Take a look at what Paris is planning.
6. Oil Rigs: The Salty Future of Sustainable Housing: Speaking of where things are heading in the future. Is sustainable housing on oil rigs that far fetched? What about reusing/refurbishing other buildings and existing properties to provide sustainable living environments? Instead of building new, how about rebuilding the old?
7. Future planes to get a ‘magic safety skin’: There are so many ideas when it comes to the future of transportation. Since we know airplanes aren’t going to become a “thing of the past” anytime soon, check out this idea which would make flying not only safer, but a lot greener too. (Of course, in the meantime, a little Green Plusâ„¢ could make a nice dent on those emissions.)
8. New ‘shock wave’ engine could revolutionize hybrid vehicles: That’s a pretty big statement in it’s own right, but this new Wave Disk generator is lighter and more efficient than traditional combustion engines. Apparently they will also be able to reduce emissions by up to 90%! Awesome!
There you are…a few of the many, many green and environmental articles that caught my eye. And in case you missed it, check out 8 Environmentally-Friendly Ways to Lift Your Spirits! You may just find a tip, or two, that you can use to help brighten your weekend or week ahead. Don’t forget to give you and your family some unplugged time to enjoy the great outdoors!
To check out more green, environmental and other interesting information, follow me on Twitter and check out my Biofriendlyblog Daily. Have a green and biofriendly weekend!
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