Weekly Greens: Earth Day Edition
Image by llee_wu
Happy Earth Day! It is estimated that over a billion people in 190+ countries around the world are participating in Earth Day events and activities every year.
Some are attending city-wide or local events while others are working on a more personal level to contribute their small part to A Billion Acts of Green. No matter how you plan to celebrate Earth Day, I thought it would be good to share some tips/ideas that could help you stretch Earth Day from one day into every day.
So here is a special Earth Day Edition of the Biofriendlyblog Weekly Greens:
1) 13 Green Lifestyle Experts Tell Us Their Earth Day Plans – TreeHugger has always been great for spreading green news, tips and information. So if you are looking for some good, but simple ideas for Earth Day (and every day), you should check out what these experts have to say.
2) Arizona State Recycles Trash into Fashion for Earth Day! – Yes, you read that right. Two students have decided to take the concept of refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle into the fashion world. And why not, right? The idea apparently came from the disposable paper clothing that was once worn in the 1960s. Pretty cool!
Take a look at another example of recycled fashion, Trashion image by Mary Anne Enriquez
3) “Have a Ball” on Earth Day! – As of right now, it’s the only planet we’ve got, so it’s best to take care of. So on this Earth Day, have a ball!
4) 7 Fun Ideas for Screen-Free Week – Earth Day falls in the middle of Screen-Free Week this year, so I thought it would be smart to share a few ideas to help you and your family go screen-free. Many of these ideas are perfect for Earth Day and every day!
5) 5 Earth Day Lessons to Raise Green Kids – For all you parents out there, here are a few simple ways you and your family can put Earth Day values into use every day.
6) Earth Day Is Not A Holiday For Shopping – But whatever you do this Earth Day, please keep in mind that Earth Day is not about consumerism. It’s not about finding the best deals or the “greenest” and most eco-products. There are many things you can do this Earth Day (and every day) to take care of, clean up and protect the Earth. Without spending money on new products.
Image by Paul Swansen
7) 6 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day Everyday – On that same line, instead of going out and buying things on Earth Day, why don’t you make some changes in your life? Adopt some new habits that will take you way beyond Earth Day!
Of course you can also use these 10 Simple Earth Day Do’s and Don’ts to help jump-start your beyond Earth Day living.
As a final message for all you Glee fans out there, here’s Fox’s “Glee Earth Day Tips”:
Take Earth Day beyond just one day and figure out how you can make your daily habits and routines more Earth-friendly. Remember, it is YOUR Earth!
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