When it Comes to Green Buildings, Energy and Transportation, How Does Your City Rate?


This Earth Day attention is being drawn to the concept of green cities. When a city becomes “green” it becomes more sustainable, generates fewer harmful emissions, increases its dependency on renewable energies, becomes more environmentally-friendly and lowers its overall carbon footprint. A green city is a clean city, inside and out. There are many components that are required to bring out the existence of a green city and each city, as well as every corner of the globe has its own ideas and particular areas in which it wants to concentrate its efforts. The question is…when it comes to green buildings, energy and transportation, how does your city rate?

DSCN0351I am proud of the city in which I live. Ever since my family and I moved here, we have been quite impressed with the number of “green” and environmentally-friendly efforts the city and its residents continue to pursue. Back in 2012 the city received recognition as a “California Green Community” for its ongoing efforts and continued commitment to sustainability.

DSCN0347Since that time you can find everything from electronics recycling events to river cleanups, from solar-powered bus benches to buses and waste management trucks powered by Compressed Natural Gas, and more. We have hiking, biking and walking trails galore. There are also miles and miles of green and open spaces.

DSCN0334As our area is continuing to grow and expand, new homes and communities are being built and almost every single one is equipped with solar panels and other green amenities. That’s not all though, as the city reports  close to 90% of all construction and demolition debris (an estimated 46,000+ tons) has been recycled. Take a look at some of the other green actions happening in my city. All in all, I consider my city is making good strides when it comes to green buildings, energy and transportation.

Here are some other communities, cities and states that are making a difference by becoming greener, more sustainable and environmentally-friendly places to live:

As far as your city is concerned, the first thing you should do is take the time to learn more about Earth Day Network’s Green Cities Campaign. You may find it inspires you to take action. Then learn what you can do to help your city go green. The more actions each of us take to green our activities, our cities and our environment overall, the better off we will be. Happy Earth Day to you and yours!

1 Comment

  • Merrie Hoitt

    Train travel is again emerging as one of the most efficient and effective means of dealing with many of the problems facing society in the 21st Century. Modern rail technology increasingly allows the rail industry to play a key role in moving big numbers of people and freight, often across large distances, with a reduced impact to the planet’s environmental status.

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