heart shaped bowl

Green Gift Ideas for Valentine’s Day

heart shaped bowl
Photo by Augustine Fou on Unsplash

Whether you are the kind of person who loves Valentine’s Day and can’t wait to figure out new, creative ways to show your loved one you care or you’re the kind of person who wants to do something for Valentine’s Day, but maybe has run out of fresh ideas. Either way, we’ve got you covered. Even if you’re not particularly fond of Valentine’s Day, or don’t have any one person you really want to shower with gifts, we’ve got something for you, too.

These Valentine’s Day gift ideas are the perfect way to show your love and appreciation in a green and eco-friendly way. Remember, you don’t have to simply do a store-bought card, cut flowers and a box of chocolates. Try one of these ideas to green up your Valentine’s Day:

Gift a Potted Plant Instead of Flowers

With this gift, we’re going for beauty and longevity. Instead of paying a fortune for cut flowers (and we know these can get pretty costly sometimes), how about gifting a potted plant. You might even want to choose one that helps clean the air. These houseplants clean the air and they’re almost impossible to kill, which is perfect for those whose thumbs aren’t necessary a bright shade of green.

Potted lavender is another smart Valentine’s Day gift. It smells nice, looks great, can be used throughout the house and is long-lasting.

If you want something a little more romantic, here are 10 romantic houseplants to give for Valentine’s Day.

Opt for Vintage Not New

For those who plan on buying their valentine a gift, we recommend opting for vintage not new. Why buy a “traditional” gift when going green can make your Valentine’s gift unique?

Start by going to local thrift stores, vintage shops or antique malls to see what you can find. In many instances, unique treasures can be found at places like these. Besides, a vintage gift tends to be much more personal. Maybe you can find a Victorian locket for your sweetheart, a vintage watch for the man of your dreams, or some classic picture frames and quotes to show how much you care.

Choose to Dine In Rather Than Out on the Town

Dining out is nice on occasion, but if you really want to have a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner, choose to dine in rather than out on the town. Make your loved one’s favorite meal or a new dish he or she is bound to love.

Doing this also means you can make sure what you’re eating is made with organic and locally-grown food. Make as much or as little as you want and, if you have leftovers, you can put them in the fridge for later on. No food waste. If you’re feeling up to it, give this cauliflower crust pizza recipe a try. Instead of making it a round pizza, you can make it heart-shaped.

Going Out? Walk Instead of Drive

Another simple way to green your Valentine’s Day is to walk instead of drive to your destination. This is easy, of course, if you plan to stay at home. But, if you’re going out, why not find someplace nearby where you can walk there and then have a casual walk home afterwards?

Mass transportation is another way to go. A nice train ride into the city means you can leave the car at home.

For those who are planning to stay at home, end your night with a nice walk under the stars. It’s quite romantic, relaxing and allows you to get some fresh air, as well as a little exercise.

Pamper in an Organic, DIY Type of Way

If being pampered is what your loved one would enjoy, put together an organic, homemade pampering kit as your Valentine’s Day gift instead of store-bought spa treatments or a gift card for a spa day.

You can tailor your spa kit to include whatever types of treatments your loved one might enjoy. For example, you can make an organic face mask, a citrus body scrub, a peppermint moisturizer, a naturally-scented bath bomb or any of these 50 DIY natural handmade beauty products that make great gifts.

Not Celebrating Valentine’s Day? We’ve Got A Green Idea for You Too

If you’re not into celebrating Valentine’s Day, or you celebrate your loved one yearlong, then how about doing a random act of kindness on February 14th? Make someone else’s Valentine’s Day. Why? Because you can.

You can go big or stay small. Random acts of kindness don’t have to cost a lot of money. Even a smile or a helpful gesture can brighten someone’s day more than you know.

Quotes on kindness:

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop

A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” – William Arthur Ward

You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon will be too late.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money.” – John Ruskin

Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams

“Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” – Mark Twain

“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” – Dalai Lama

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