Fueling the economy
Image by biofriendly
When you think about fueling the economy, you may think stimulus package, lowering interest rates, controversial bailouts or many other variety of subjects found in the news these days. But I’m talking literal…fuel.
With gas prices continuing to drop, an important economic and environmental question is: Are people going to go back to their old driving habits?
When gas prices were high, people got off the road. They got rid of their cars, started taking public transportation, started using fuel additives, rode their bikes to work or looked at getting hybrid vehicles. Overall they drove less. As a result, harmful emissions and pollution from vehicles obviously began to drop.
But with gas prices at the lowest they have been since 2004, (per a report from dailybreeze.com), what is going to happen now? Are people going to resort back to their earlier driving habits? Is the environmental headway that was made going to disappear? Are people going to put alternative fuels and reducing the harmful effects of emissions on the back burner?
Let’s hope not. While work is done to fuel the economy, we also need to ensure the headway made to bring alternative fuels and alternative energy to the forefront of our government’s agenda, won’t be lost.
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