Eco Fashion vs. Conventional Clothing
The term “eco-friendly fashion,” and any other form of sustainable design, has had its fair of ups and downs in this brand-overloaded world. With the mind of leaving a negative carbon footprint and affecting the planet by using conventional fabrics that harm the planet, opting for an environmental choice of clothing should be our top priority.
Not only does conventional clothing contain harmful chemicals like flame retardants, pesticides, insecticides, and others, but those textiles aren’t biodegradable which might have even worse consequences on the planet. Shopping sustainable is vital for both planet Earth and ourselves as individuals, since we do want to provide the best for our health and well-being. So, why are still there a lot of ambiguities concerning eco fashion vs conventional clothing?
The Notion About Pricing
Many famous world brands are aiming to provide the top-notch quality for their consumers, however, that doesn’t mean they are always paying attention to not harming the planet. As consumers, we always strive to get the finest quality for the budget we aim to spend. Some may argue eco attire tends to be rather costly. This may be true, but when you realize the significant investment manufacturers need to make in machinery for eco clothing and, the fact that eco-friendly fabrics are often hard to acquire, the high price is justifiable.
Spending a lot of money on expensive high-class fashion items is not an environmentally-friendly option since many sustainable designs are of superior quality with reasonable price. Considering the raw materials used in eco fashion are usually planted and harvested, they are still cheaper than conventional ones which use high-priced chemicals and workforce.
Quality Above All
Ethical fashion represents an approach to the distributional design, sourcing, and manufacture of clothing that maximizes the benefits to the people and minimizes the impact on the environment. With that in mind, all manufacturers of eco-fashion are aiming to give the utmost quality to their consumers with a careful and considerate approach to saving the planet.
There are many renowned companies like Rockay who collect plastic from the oceans and produce all their running socks and other products in an eco-friendly way, thus saving the planet from destructive behaviors and environmentally harmful damage. And the quality is exquisite. Therefore, it is possible to have and wear quality materials and fabrics while protecting the planet.
Eco Fabrics vs. Conventional
Every shoppers who is concerned about the environment should know what fabrics eco fashion manufacturers use, and why the fabrics conventional manufacturers use tend to be harder on the planet than others.
It is all due to the sustainability of the fabrics. Eco-fashion producers use organic cotton which is soft and durable, unlike conventional, which can require two-thirds of a pound of pesticides to make it. Then there is eco linen that is cultivated and processed without chemicals. And of course the fastest growing plant in the world – bamboo. Merely used for an accessory in the eco-fashion industry, bamboo is biodegradable, naturally pest and insect resistant and above all, it absorbs 400 percent more greenhouse gases than any other plant.
Conventional fabrics that aren’t biodegradable, like nylon, polyester, and rayon, are commonly produced with petroleum and treated with several chemicals like formaldehyde. They emit gases more potent than carbon dioxide.
The Chic Organic Appearance
If you have ever thought eco-fashion isn’t stylish, you have really thought wrong. Many famous brands are striving to make Eco-cotton and other organic clothes to satisfy the on-going urge of consumers interested in protecting the environment. H&M and Target are already producing clothes made out of sustainable materials, and they are extremely sleek.
Numerous consumers are more than content by the fact they are able to wear fashionable clothing items and accessories, yet still know they are protecting the planet by wearing biodegradable and green materials. The only downside might be, it is often easier to find conventional clothing vs. sustainable clothing. However, even conventional manufacturers know there is a continuing demand in protecting and preserving the planet, so in the future, we may expect a vast change in conventional apparel if they want to maintain a lucrative business.
Eco-fashion that is produced from recycled materials, little or no animal product and sustainable plant fibers is the wisest choice you can provide both for yourself and the planet. With the growth of green industries, soon there’ll be an abundance of clothing choices suitable for people of all ages.
Author Bio: Ian Lewis is a father, writer, and a fitness nut. He’s passionate about many forms of strength training and spent years lifting all kinds of heavy objects. His favorite quote: “There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.” You can find him on Twitter.
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