Earth Day Historical Facts and Figures
With 192 countries, countless organizations, thousands of schools and over a billion individuals celebrating Earth Day last year, this year is bound to be even better. Why? Because more and more people are wanting to involve themselves with biofriendly actions and activities that make this planet we live on just a little bit better.
I already shared my Earth Day list on how to get your kids involved and now I wanted to share this infographic with you. My friend, Beth Buczynski was nice enough to share this with you, and I figured it would be a good way to give you some quick, historical facts and figures on Earth Day itself.
Earth Day graphic produced by the Kars4Kids car donation program “Responsible vehicle recycling for future generations.”
I hope that infographic gave you a little better idea of what Earth Day is all about and what you can do to make a difference. Remember, all it takes is one simple act of green to get you started. To make it even easier, here are 10 simple Earth Day do’s and don’ts to give you an idea on what you can do today. Happy Earth Day everyone!
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