7 Biofriendly Ways to Celebrate Autumn
Image by Gardner-Mathews / Creative Commons
Autumn is officially here. Unfortunately, other than a little fog we had over the weekend, you’d never know summer wasn’t in full swing. To be honest, I’m really looking forward to experiencing some of that traditional autumn weather. Some cooler temperatures, a little rain, and a few falling leaves, would be wonderful right about now. So, in honor of the new season, here are 7 biofriendly ways to celebrate autumn.
– Get up from your desk and get outside. There is nothing like breathing in some fresh air, feeling the warmth of the sun, or the cool drops of rain on your face. Take a couple of deep breaths and enjoy the moment.
Image by Eric Snopel / Creative Commons
– Go for a nature walk. After you’ve managed to get outdoors, the next thing you can do is go for a nature walk. Look around at the fallen leaves, keep your eyes peeled for insects and animals, and most important of all, don’t just walk, soak in the natural beauty of nature all around you. You may be surprised at the many benefits a nature walk can provide.
– Open your windows and let some of the outdoors in. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it again and again. There is nothing that can help rid your home of all the bottled up indoor pollution quite like some fresh air.
– Take it a few steps further and clean up your indoor air. Closing up your home is not necessarily the smartest thing to do. While opening windows helps, here are 10 other things for cleaner indoor air. And don’t forget, if you purchase heating oil to heat your home, Biofriendly Corporation’s Green Plus® has been proven to improve boiler fuel economy.
Image by Rebecca Farmer / Creative Commons
– Compost those falling leaves. If you’ve got leaves, instead of raking them up and throwing them out with the rest of the trash, put them in a pile to be used as future compost.
– Use extra leaves for decoration. If you don’t have a compost, or have extra leaves, you should bring them inside and decorate. Here are some fall decorating ideas: DIY art from autumn leaves.
Image by Caro11ne / Creative Commons
– Plant some fall vegetables. Although many people consider spring and summer the best seasons to do some garden planting, there are a variety of vegetables that can still grow strong once autumn comes along.
I know there are many other biofriendly ways you can celebrate autumn, but these are a few you can integrate into your life on a daily, weekly or right now basis. What is your favorite way to celebrate or ring in the autumn season?