Green Comes in All Shapes and Sizes
Image by dorena-wm / Creative Commons
Going green isn’t just a saying, it is a way of life. Many people incorporate green actions into their daily routines, often without even realizing it. While some may think you are not being truly “green” unless you have solar panels on your roof, a wind turbine in your yard, a compost and rain harvesting system in your garden, you eat only organic/local food, and you drive an electric vehicle, green comes in all shapes and sizes.
Let’s take a look at a mere handful of the green actions and activities that businesses, governments, cities, and individuals are involved in around the world:
– Instead of designing and incorporating a few parks or gardens here and there throughout the city, Singapore decided it was intent on transforming itself from a garden city to a “city in a garden“. Take a look at the transformation and see what you think of their plans.
– Gas and diesel prices be damned. A trucking revolution is at hand. If I say so myself, it’s about time too, especially considering the fact that commercial trucks represent 5% of all on-road vehicles in the U.S., yet they account for about 20% of the fuel consumption. Trucking industry, take note, a little Green Plus® fuel additive could come in handy too.
– Tackling the water issue. Water is used, to some degree, in almost every business and manufacturing process. Suffice to say, curbing water waste, improving water efficiency, and reducing food waste (one of the most flagrant water waste culprits) is something that concerns global leaders. Enter World Water Week 2012 in Stockholm.
– Owning an electric, hybrid or other eco-friendly vehicle is an obvious way to lower emissions and green your transportation. But tossing your current vehicle and opting for a new one, isn’t necessarily the way to go. Check out how to make your older car more eco-friendly.
– Taking the above idea a bit further, how about starting or joining a carpool? Carpooling is good for the earth and your career. It saves you money, time, and allows you to network on the way to/from work.
– This isn’t your local community or neighbor garden, this campus garden grows over 1000 lbs. of produce for its cafeteria and farm stand…and they say that’s just the beginning.
– Kids are making a difference too! As a matter of fact, this 13-year-old helped raise awareness and spearhead a movement which ended up persuading the Illinois Governor to veto a bill prohibiting communities from banning plastic bags. Go Abby!
Whether you are a self-proclaimed greenie or not, I’d love to hear what kinds of green actions you take at home and at work. Remember, nothing is too simple. Green is green.
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