September 3, 2020 By Jacob Givens The Biofriendly Podcast Don’t Mess With Smokey Nearly 12,000 lightning strikes hit California over a 72 hour weekend in August which ignited some of the biggest wildfire’s in the state’s history– which begs the question as to why are there more storms, more fires, and what can be done to prevent it from happening? During this week’s episode of The Biofriendly Podcast one thing is abundantly clear to Noel and Jacob, and that is you NEVER mess with Smokey the Bear! Play now: Or subscribe and play on your favorite podcasting service: Share biofriendly planet/biofriendly podcast/California/climate change/comedy/Environment/forest conservation/forest fires/forests/green/humor/lightning/Podcast/smokey the bear/wildfire/wildlife
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