Biofriendly Ways to Go Green for St. Patrick’s Day
While the easiest way to go green for St. Patrick’s Day is to wear a piece of green clothing, when we say go green, we’re talking about doing so in a more biofriendly way. Celebrating holidays like St. Patrick’s Day can easily be done while still minimizing your impact on the environment around you….and that’s our goal. We wanted to give you a few biofriendly options to help make your St. Patrick’s Day a little bit greener.
Sustainable Clothing
Instead of simply wearing a green shirt or pants for St. Patrick’s Day, find clothes that are also sustainably-made. If you take the time, you can create a completely sustainable outfit for the day, such as wearing an eco-friendly (green) t-shirt made from recycled materials, a pairs of sustainably-made jeans, underwear made from hemp and some eco-conscious sneakers.
If these climate-conscious, style icons can create great sustainable looks, so can you. It’s all about looking for slow fashion brands rather than fast fashion.
Repurposed and Vintage Gifts
Although not everyone gives gifts for St. Patrick’s Day, if the need should arise, look for a repurposed or vintage gift. You can have a little DIY project to repurpose or upcycle furniture into a green gift of your own. For example, you can take an old desk, paint it green with some zero-VOC paint, and gift it as a potting table work station for a friend’s garden. You could find a vintage watch, or Irish keepsake, at a local thrift store or online and you’d end up with a great gift.
Eco-Friendly Decorations
Another way to be green in your St. Patrick’s Day plans is to use eco-friendly decorations. Some of the most eco-friendly decorations can be made from items you have in your home right now. You can repurpose a variety of materials and turn them into banners, signs, napkins, centerpieces and more. If you do end up buying decorations, do what you can to avoid plastics, single-use and disposable decorations. Bring in some natural green from nature: plants, clover from the garden, potted trees, etc.
Green Drinks and Vegetarian Food
While some people like to drink green-colored beverages in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, we’d like suggest choosing some eco-friendly wine, maybe a sustainable beer or something of the sort. You can even make your meals green by making a vegan or vegetarian meal. If you’re wanted to make a more “traditional” St. Patrick’s Day meal, try this vegan corned beef and cabbage recipe.
Getting Outdoors for Your Celebrations
However you decide to celebrate, opt to bring your celebrations outdoors. If you want to host a party, do it in your backyard or a neighborhood park. You can have a St. Patrick’s Day scavenger hunt in nature. Go on a hike with family and friends. The choices are limitless, but getting outdoors and in amongst the trees is a pretty green thing to do.
Irish Blessing
Whether you’re choosing to incorporate one of these five green things associated with St. Patrick’s Day, one of the ways we’ve mentioned above, or you’re planning a biofriendly celebration of your own, here’s an Irish blessing for good luck:
“May your blessings outnumber
The Shamrocks that grow
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.”
– Irish Blessing
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