May 7, 2020 By Jacob Givens Upward Spiral Biofriendly Meets Conservation X Labs This week we are thrilled to welcome the Co-founders of Conservation X Labs, Dr. Paul Bunje and Dr. Alex Dehgan as our guests on The Biofriendly Podcast! Noel and Jacob get a chance to hear a little backstory on how Conservation X Labs came to be, their mission to empower innovation that will end human-induced extinction, and that both scientists are locked in turf war over which is better… snails or lemurs?! Play now: Or subscribe and play on your favorite podcasting service: Share biofriendly/biofriendly planet/biofriendly podcast/conservation/conservation x lab/eco-friendly/Environment/extinction/featured/forest conservation/green/humor/innovations/inventions/Podcast/science/sustainability/sustainable
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