6 Eco-Friendly Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Image by Muffet (via Flickr)

Image by Muffet (via Flickr)

Valentine’s Day is coming up in just under two weeks, but if you are anything like me, you haven’t quite had a chance to finalize your plans. Should you give flowers? Candy? Exchange cards? What about green or eco-friendly Valentine’s gifts? Well, there are many different ideas to choose from and many ways you could go, but let me give you a few of my favorite eco-friendly ideas for Valentine’s Day:

1) If you are going to go the traditional route e.g. chocolates or flowers, go for the organic variety. I highly recommend Equal Exchange when it comes to organic chocolate. They have chocolate bars (which are currently on sale until Feb 14th), organic dried berries and nuts, organic hot cocoa, organic chocolate and coffee gift bags, etc. You can even get free-shipping (UPS ground in the contingent U.S. only) if you enter the code: chocolatelove. Go for the chocolate/coffee gift bag….a great eco-tasty choice!

When it comes to flowers, California Organic Flowers is a nice choice as they have a wide variety of organic flowers, with many great options under $50. If you want to make your own living bouquet, take a look at this video from California Organic Flowers as they provide some helpful tips on doing your own arrangements.

2) Get away for the weekend. If you are one of those people who likes to get away for Valentine’s Day weekend, how about a trip to the new Ariaâ„¢ Resort & Casino at the CityCenter in Las Vegas? The Aria is LEED® Gold Certified and features smoke-free walkways, floor to ceiling airflow (to help remove smoke from their casino), energy-efficient lighting, bicycle valets and much, much more. While you are there, don’t forget to relax and indulge in the Aria’s spa services including a heated-stone massage or unwind and breathe in the air from their infused salt room.

If you are looking for a tropical rainforest type get-away, one of the ones on the top of my to-do list is the Daintree Eco Lodge & Spa in Australia. This eco-lodge is located in a 30-acre rainforest valley in Daintree National Park. Their guest rooms are ecologically-friendly treehouses and since they only have 15 of them, you’ll want to book early.

3) If you can’t take time away or would rather stay closer to home, you can do a day trip to a local eco-friendly or green spa. Spa Index has a list of eco-friendly spas you can choose from. (Hint: many of the spas on their list offer discounts for first-time customers.)

If a spa day at home is more your cup of tea, check out these at home spa tips and recipes. You can easily turn your Valentine’s Day into a spa day, without even leaving the comfort of home!

4) If you decide to stay in, make a meal for you and your significant other. What’s nice about making a meal at home is that you control what goes in your meal. You can include fresh or locally-grown fruits/vegetables, pick out a great organic or vegan wine and design your meal so it’s just right for you.

For example, you could start off with a tomato bisque soup,  make a simple grilled BLT panini or a Butternut Squash Enchilada for your main dish and end off with some chocolate-dipped strawberries. But, if you are hoping for romantic evening, you might want to add one or more of these aphrodisiacs into your meal.

5) For those of you with kids, a creative eco-friendly idea for Valentine’s Day is to get outdoors. It doesn’t cost much, it’s a nice way to get some fresh air and a wonderful way to get the kids (and family) to fall in love with nature again. If weather permits, you could pack a picnic lunch and enjoy a meal outdoors. If not, then maybe just a walk…look at the trees, do some bird-watching, maybe take some pictures or pick up some beautiful fallen leaves. Whatever you choose to do, reconnecting with nature is a wonderful thing to do on Valentine’s Day!

6) Make your own Valentine’s Day cards/gifts. Rather than going out and spending between $1.00-$5.00 on a Valentine’s Day card, just make one. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have something lying around that they can use to make a Valentine’s Day card. You can take that junk mail you got or an old magazine and cut it up to make a heart-shaped valentine. You can even use the fallen leaves you and your kids collected to make some creative leaf rubbings or press your leaves/flowers onto a votive cup to make a beautiful candle holder.

Well, those are some of my favorite eco-friendly ideas. What are your favorite eco-friendly ideas for Valentine’s Day? If you have a favorite gift, idea or site you think other readers should be aware of, please let me know. Enjoy your eco-friendly Valentine’s Day!


  • David Leonhardt

    It’s always best when one can give live plants rather than dead (cut) flowers. The problem is when I’m on the receiving end; the plants usually suffer a more prolongued death in my “care”.

  • Tara

    Very good tip David – I agree whole-heartedly! Yeah, my green thumb isn’t exactly the greenest either, but I do love having live plants in the house.

  • Randy Paynter

    Good ideas (particularly the trip to Australia… how do I get that one? 😉

    I’m biased, but I also think great valentine ecards are an even more eco-friendly solution – near zero carbon footprint, not to mention they’re free… (at least at Care2.com – full disclosure: I work there). We also give card senders “credits” they can then redeem for gifts to the world (like clean drinking water, plant a tree, etc.) so they’re super-duper good for the world!


  • Stephanie

    Wonderful suggestions and a big thumbs up for the chocolate discount code! I like to make memories myself as a gift – your get outside suggestion is perfect. Homemade cards/notes are also a big hit! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  • Tara

    Thanks Randy! I know…that trip is definitely on my list 🙂

    Very good tip on the e-cards! A good eco-friendly Valentine and it looks like you guys have some good ones (with great rewards too). So the benefits of your e-cards are two-fold…I like it!

    Thanks Steph! You’re very welcome. Me too – it’s nice to be able to do something nice and memorable without having to spend a lot of money too. Happy Valentine’s Day to you! 🙂

  • solargroupies

    Glad you remembered the chocolate!

  • Roberta

    Well of course I love the idea of an eco friendly spa Valentines celebration–and chocolate. You packed so many great ideas into one blogpost I love it

  • Tara

    Thanks Glenn….but of course! (The Equal Exchange milk chocolate ones are a YUMMY choice)

    Hi Roberta, I appreciate your comment 🙂 Me too – some of my favorites!

  • CE Webster

    Thanks for some great ideas. That day always sneaks up on me!

  • Valentines

    nice . eco is the way of the future

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