How to Maintain Your Landscape in a Drought
Maintaining your landscape is good in that it makes your home the envy of your neighbors and visitors. It is also one of the surest ways of improving your home’s resale value. However, this is not an easy thing to do especially in a drought.
Your landscape remarkably gives your home the beautiful green color of nature and breaks the monotony of concrete, metals, and glass. And it does more than that: It prevents your land from soil erosion as it holds everything together. Grass and trees give you the much-needed clean air by taking in the poisonous carbon dioxide gas and producing tons of oxygen.
Is summer heat taking a toll on the health of your lawn or garden? Or is your neighborhood suffering from a prolonged water restriction? If you answered yes to either of the questions, then you really need to continue reading this article in order to get invaluable ideas on how to maintain your landscape in the midst of the prevailing crisis. But first,
The Benefit of Using Irrigation for Your Landscape Maintenance
Of late, most homeowners are investing in irrigation system installation as a way of maintaining their lawns and gardens. And those who have opened up for this new trend have gotten it right in many ways.
First, a good irrigation system saves you time. As a matter of fact, you will never again feel the need to wake up early or sleep late watering your plants because the system will do that for you. Also, irrigation system installation means that you will be able to minimize water usage all year around. This is because the system uses drippers and underground soakers to prevent moisture from evaporating during the hot sun of winter.
Second, this system can be automated such that it switches itself on and off depending on how you want your lawn watered. You can even attach a rain sensor to the system so that it switches off immediately it starts to rain. And lastly, the irrigation system allows you to place taps strategically around the lawn or garden in order to have an even watering pattern.
3 Ways to Maintain Your Landscape in a Drought
1. Choose drought-tolerant plants
How much do you know about your climate and the plants that can do well in it? How do the wet seasons compare with the hot seasons? If you know that rain is hard to come by in your region, then getting plants that can withstand dry weather is a great step towards having a healthy lawn even during the harshest seasons. Butterfly bush, hummingbird bush, and cactuses all do well in hot places. The good thing is that despite surviving under harsh climates, they too will make your landscape pretty beautiful all year around.
2. Go for pollinator plants
These include rufous hummingbird, golden currant, and chokecherry flowers. These plants attract bumblebees, mason bees, birds, and yellow jackets to your garden as they search for nectar. These pollinators will give you a hand in maintaining your landscape- and you will not pay them a dime. What’s more, these insects are beautiful and will make your garden look colorful and lively even when everything seems dry.
3. Save water for the worst case scenario
All days aren’t the same even in a drought. If your garden is well shaded, don’t water it excessively much or you will find yourself without water when needing it most. If it rains within the drought- even if it is a small drizzle, don’t water your lawn without first checking if the rain moisturized the soil in a way that the plants growing in it would survive for a day without the sprinklers. Also, try to water your lawn either very early in the morning or late in the evening when the sun has gone down. That prevents water from evaporation through evaporation.
Another Water-Saving Tip
Another water-saving technique is watering deep. Drench your lawn whenever you have the time in order to make sure that the plant roots get enough moisture. As a matter of fact, you would better skip a day or two and then water deep on the third than to water every day shallowly, leaving the sun to benefit more from the water than your plants.
Author bio: Monica Gibson is a business savvy decoration expert. She is young and ambitious, with a degree in architecture. She has eight-plus years of experience in interior and exterior design. Her mission is to inspire others to live their dreams and create their perfect sweet home.
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