Gearing Up for a Bio-Friendly Spring
Well, today is the last day of Winter here in the Northern Hemisphere and tomorrow we will be welcoming Spring. Depending on where you live, you may or may not be ready to welcome Spring, but either way I figured I’d give you a few green tips to help you gear up for a bio-friendly Spring.
Note: Most of these tips were inspired by some really cool people I follow on Twitter:
1) First off, how about some spring cleaning?! I know, it’s not exactly what you were looking forward to, me either, but it’s something you are going to need to get done.
Before you run out and buy a lot of “cleaning supplies”, check out this video and article on cleaning green from my Twitter pal, Rich Massingham:
Now, hopefully you don’t have any mold in your home, but if you have any areas of your home that are particularly susceptible to mold, here are a few simple tips on “How to Keep Mold Away From Your Home” that should fit right in to the rest of your spring cleaning routine.
2) Right in line with spring cleaning is getting rid of unneeded items such as clothes, toys and other misc “junk” you have that has just been cluttering up your house. Almost everyone has stuff they have tucked away for a rainy day…that may not ever come.
If need some tips on what to do with the stuff you are getting rid of, check out these eco-living tips from my good friend, Nan or check out one of my favorite posts from Chris at on “How to Break Free from Aspirational Clutter“.
3) Next is some spring planting. I was chatting with Barbara, because she happened to tweet that she was going out to turn the compost. She mentioned she was going to include some edibles into her landscape this Spring, including some edible flowers, but her main emphasis was on her compost being an important part of her spring garden.
That reminded me of a post from Mike aka CanarsieBK about breaking down and composting his fire escape garden. Just think of it like the new Phoenix, being born again from the ashes of the old Phoenix.
Once you’ve got your compost going, move onto your spring planting. For those of you who need a little vegetable garden help, check in with gardening great, Alison Kerr from Loving Nature’s Garden.
4) If you aren’t going to do any outdoor gardening, you might want to consider getting some indoor plants or even planting some herbs indoors. Here’s a great post from Angie about futuristic plant growing design concepts, which might give you some new ideas.  If definitely gave me a few!
However, if you read all of this and still don’t want to get your hands dirty, then maybe an indoor AeroGarden would be right for you. There’s nothing like adding fresh herbs and vegetables to your home-cooked meals.
I’m sure there are many different things you can do and there are definitely many other people out there that have wonderful ideas. These are just a few simple ones that should get you started.
Oh yeah, and don’t forget to get outside and enjoy Spring. It’s no fun if you can’t get out and enjoy it, right?! As my friend Derek says, “All Work and No Play Makes Dad a Glum Chum“. (Moms too!)
So, what are your plans to gear up for a bio-friendly Spring? Do you have anything you do in preparation for Spring?
Hello, spring! Great article, Tara, and thanks for the include!