Easy Steps To Stay Eco-Friendly and Zero Waste Starting Right Now
Every year, new statistics come out and reveal how we are slowly killing the planet. Between solid waste and pollution, we all must do our part to lessen our environmental impact. Going green or converting to an eco-friendly, zero-waste lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive.
Some small changes in your everyday life, combined with more substantial efforts, can make a noticeable difference. Merely being aware of the products you buy can make a significant difference in your carbon footprint and overall production of waste. Use these tips and tricks to live an eco-friendly life and work towards a zero-waste lifestyle today.
Opt For Delivery
Cars are one of the most significant sources of pollution, and if you can limit how frequently you use your vehicle, you will lower your pollution contribution. Thankful, you don’t need to leave your house to buy all of your essential supplies. You can order most items online and have them delivered to your home. Ordering online saves you the trip to the store and reduces your pollution. You can track most online orders, so you always know when your items will arrive. The boxes your items arrive in can be reused or recycled. Breaking down large cardboard boxes from online orders and stashing them away can be invaluable if you move in the future, while also being a green practice.
Eco-Friendly Products
You can make a significant impact on your carbon footprint and even achieve zero waste by choosing eco-friendly products. Green or environmentally-friendly products should have natural ingredients with as few manufactured chemicals as possible with recyclable packaging. Products that are certified as organic or fair trade are generally more eco-friendly, but these labels are not always a guarantee.
For example, if you are looking for permanent or semi-permanent hair dye, there are no truly organic options despite what some boxes may claim. Despite there not being a true organic hair dye, commercially available dyes are still safe to use. When looking for an eco-friendly hair dye, look for dyes without ammonia that are vegan and cruelty-free. Brands like Overtone have an excellent reputation for being clean and as green as possible, while still being effective colorants. Researching your products and brands can go a long way in helping you choose zero waste items.
Only Buy What You Need
If you were living an eco-friendly or zero-waste life before the widespread quarantine, you likely already follow the rule of only buying what you need. It can be tempting to stock up and overbuy but resist the urge and panic. Take comfort in knowing there are plenty of products to go around, and no one will be without essential supplies. Stockpiling creates waste if your stockpile spoils or goes unused, so only buy what you need to prevent unnecessary waste while not depriving yourself of anything you need.
Composting At Home
Food waste is one of the largest contributors to landfills, but there is a system you can start at home to make use of your food scraps. Instead of throwing away food scraps, start a composting system at home to repurpose the scraps without creating waste. Many people are hesitant to compost at home because of the smell, but there are many home composting containers that keep the smell from ruining your apartment.
Select your scraps, like eggshells, coffee grounds, stems of fruits or vegetables, and even human hair, and store them in your scrap container. Composting piles usually are outside in a large garbage bin, but some areas have programs that take your scraps and compost them for you. You can create a composting bin in an apartment using a large container and adding ingredients to help the materials decompose.
Layer your greens, typically food scraps, and your browns, dried leaves, or newspaper, in your composting bin with the wet greens on top and dry browns on the bottom. Then leave the layered mix to sit and break down, but remember to aerate the pile by turning the pile with a stick every few days. Your compost is done when it smells earthy and not like a landfill. You can use your finished compost as fertilizer or donate it to a local garden.
Living a zero-waste life needn’t be overly complicated. By having your goods delivered, only buying what you need, and buying eco-friendly products, you are already well on your way to living a green lifestyle. You can even add home composting if you want to go above and beyond. By making small changes and being aware, anyone can start living green right now.
I’ve just started collecting food scraps for a compost since we finally have a little garden! I just need to figure out the container to keep it in so the neighbors don’t mind it.