Biofriendly Blog: 50 Reasons to be Thankful
Image by Mr T in DC / Creative Commons
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I figured now would be a good time for the Biofriendly Blog to cover some reasons to be thankful. I know most of us are thankful for the many people, opportunities and things we have in our lives, but I wanted to share these 50 reasons I have to be thankful. If you’d like to share some of your own reasons, I would LOVE to hear them in the comment section below, on our Facebook page or on Twitter.
I am thankful for:
- The sun that shines
- The wind that blows
- The waves that lap upon the shore
- The sand beneath my feet as I walk upon the beach
- The trees that provide shade and beauty
- The flowers that bloom every spring
- The grass that grows so plentifully
- Mother Nature always doing her thing
- The beauty of the world in which we live
- The stars that shine at night
- The moon that brightens the evening sky
- The opportunity to write and share my passions with others
- My family, their love and their never-ending support
- My husband and my two wonderful children
- Friends, new and old
- Friends and colleagues I can learn from each and every day
- The ability to laugh and cry
- The knowledge I have gained this past year
- The ability to be able to do the things I love
- The little things that make me smile
- Being able to see my smiling children’s faces each and every morning
- My dog who made our family complete
- The opportunity to face each and every day anew
- The ability to buy fresh, local and organic foods
- The freedom to grow my own herbs/vegetables (despite my brown thumb)
- The memories that I have
- The experiences that have made me who I am today
- The people who have forever left an imprint on my life
- The chances I have had to try new things, whether I liked them or not
- The opportunity to share with others
- The ability to choose and to make a choice that matters
- The water that gives life to so much of the world
- The animals that inhabit the Earth
- The humility to be able to accept my mistakes and learn from them
- The chance to continue to grown/learn each and every day
- Truly knowing that in some cases less is definitely more
- People who accept me for who I am
- People who aren’t afraid to say what they feel
- People who walk the walk, in addition to talking the talk
- The clouds in the sky that provide an endless source of entertainment
- Nature that shows me something new every single day
- Knowing that the objects I possess do not define who I am
- The fact that my city is taking an active role in lowering its environmental footprint
- The fresh, crisp air
- Life’s freedoms I have been afforded
- My education
- The quiet times (few and far between) that I can use to reflect on life
- A smile when I need it most
- Things that make me laugh
- Life’s simple pleasures, whatever they may be
Thanksgiving is a time for showing thanks, for giving, and for sharing with others. This holiday season I hope you are able to take the time to figure out some of the things you are thankful for this year. Here’s wishing each of you a biofriendly holiday season and a very happy Thanksgiving.
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