Air New Zealand’s For Biofriendly Skies
Yay for Air New Zealand! In a Newsbureau article, Air New Zealand has announced a joint research venture with Boeing and Rolls-Royce, which will run a series of projects that focus on making commercial aviation more biofriendly.
Air New Zealand plans to trial a flight using a Boeing 747 aircraft powered with Rolls-Royce jet engines – one of which will be powered with a bio-fuel, the remaining three being powered by standard jet fuel. Planned for 2008/2009, the inaugural flight will take off from Auckland under strict safety standards but will not be carrying any passengers.
“Our ultimate goal is operate the most environmentally responsible airline and to lead the global aviation industry in developing the most eco-friendly practices possible,” said Air New Zealand Chief Executive Officer Rob Fyfe. “Working with like-minded partners and the New Zealand government to plan the first bio-fuelled flight will be an inspiring journey for us all”
In my September 18 blog, Aircraft Pollution Destroying Our Skies, I calculated that I personally contributed 8.1 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions during a return flight from Los Angeles to Melbourne – I repeat, that was just for me. So I say “yippie” to Air New Zealand. I hope they achieve some really positive results in their research and testing, and come through as an industry leader in the fight for more biofriendly skies. Great work Kiwi’s.
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